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Why choose to have an online presence?

The online presence of your campaign or business brings numerous opportunities and unique experiences, as well as new business perspectives:

• A larger audience increases the customer base.
• An easy and accessible way to market your brand.
• An engaging way to connect with customers and potential consumers.
• An easy method to obtain reviews and feedback from consumers of your products or services through blog comments and interactions on social media channels.
• Improved customer service by interacting directly with them.
• An online presence enhances consumer trust, which can influence their decisions based on the brand’s image on social media.

Outdoor campaigns can be complemented by the efficiency of online marketing services for increased visibility in online environments.

• Online marketing/remarketing campaigns based on an online communication strategy (concepts and campaigns) and through editorial content targeted for Facebook/Instagram.
• Google AdWords optimization, creating and optimizing campaigns to generate traffic to the website and achieve top positions in Google search results.
• Management services for business pages on Facebook/Instagram.
• Content creation on the YouTube channel and promoting video materials through optimal audience targeting.